8 Top Low-Maintenance Pet Bird Species
8 Top Low-Maintenance Pet Bird Species

8 Top Easy-Care Pet Bird Species

All pet birds can bite and cause a ruckus. However, certain species tend to be more friendly and gentle than others. When properly tamed and cared for, these birds are often affectionate with their caretakers and lack a propensity for biting. Some are fairly active while others maintain a more relaxed disposition. Here are eight of the most gentle birds to keep as pets:

1. Pionus Parrot

Pionus parrots are beautiful and soft-spoken, and they have gained a reputation for being some of the most gentle pet birds. They are highly intelligent and thrive in social settings, but they tend to be more independent than some other species, making them less moody and demanding of attention. Pionus parrots are very active birds and enjoy burning off energy with bird-safe toys.

2. Dove

Doves are seen as symbols of peace and love around the world, and it should come as no surprise that they are among the most gentle bird species. These quiet, sweet-tempered birds make excellent pets, and they are a good choice for apartment living. They tolerate handling well but don’t demand attention from their caretakers.

3. Budgerigar (Budgie or Parakeet)

Budgies are another great choice for those seeking a gentle feathered friend. While they might bite when upset, their tiny beaks are hardly capable of doing much damage. With proper training and handling, budgie bites can become quite rare. These social birds love spending time with their caretakers and delight in playing.

4. Hyacinth Macaw

The hyacinth macaw, the largest of the macaws, has earned the “gentle giant” moniker due to its sweet and even personality. These birds have large, somewhat intimidating beaks capable of cracking coconut shells. However, properly raised hyacinth macaws don’t tend to bite as often or as readily as many other parrot species.

5. Finch

Finches are rather fragile, so their caretakers need to be gentle. In most cases, finches do better as hands-off pets. Consider getting a small finch flock if holding a bird is not important to you. Provide finches with a large enclosure to exercise and enjoy their pleasant chirps and peeps throughout the day.

6. Eclectus

The Eclectus is a large parrot species known to be affectionate. These birds thrive on socialization with their caretakers and might become jealous if they feel ignored. Some people say a male eclectus is more affable, while a female eclectus might become nippy, especially if she’s nesting. However, female birds tend to handle stress better, making them less likely to lash out.

7. Bourke’s Parakeet

Native to Australia, Bourke’s parakeets tend to be gentle and good-natured, especially when hand-fed as babies. They’re usually most active and chatty around dawn and dusk, and they remain fairly mellow for the rest of the day. Although they are social birds, they typically won’t demand your attention.

8. Cockatiel

Cockatiels have long been popular pets due to their affectionate, gentle demeanor. These birds are playful, and active, and love to whistle and mimic household sounds. Although an untamed cockatiel might be nippy, the species generally is very friendly around people and tolerant of being held.

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