A Heartbreaking Discovery
Douglas Thron, a skilled cinematographer and drone pilot, illuminated a heartbreaking scene in Lake Charles, Louisiana. A brown and white Starving Dog was chained to the fender of an SUV. The dog was struggling to breathe as the chain constricted him. This rescue took place 13 days after Hurricane Laura ravaged the area, leaving the dog without food or water. His ribs were visible, a stark testament to his suffering.
Advanced Drone Technology for Animal Rescue
Thron uses high-end drones equipped with infrared cameras and powerful spotlights to locate abandoned or injured animals in disaster zones. His impressive track record includes rescuing burned koalas in Australia and various pets following California wildfires. His mission is chronicled in the docuseries Doug to the Rescue, available for streaming on CuriosityStream.
Collaboration with Compassion Kind
While in Lake Charles, Thron collaborated with Aja-Nikiya Estro from the animal rescue organization Compassion Kind. The drone’s infrared camera detected a heat signature that they suspected was a dog. Upon switching to the standard camera, they confirmed their fears: a dog was tethered near a hurricane-damaged home.
A Devastating Situation
Describing the scene as “devastating,” Thron noted, “You could see the ribs. He couldn’t even move three inches.” Estro documented the situation to report to local authorities and received permission to rescue the dog. Despite their best efforts to feed him, the dog growled and snapped, fearful and starved. “Starvation will do things to you,” Estro remarked.
A Transformative Rescue
With careful distraction from the team, Estro managed to free the dog from the chain. Instantly, the dog’s demeanor changed; he approached Estro, wagging his tail and licking her face. “A dog is such a loving animal,” Thron reflected. “Despite their trauma, within minutes, they’re forgiving and full of love.”
A New Name and a New Life
They named the dog Thirteen, honoring the days he spent in agony. Thron explained that disasters can sometimes lead to unexpected rescues. “Without the hurricane, I wouldn’t have been flying the drone over this area. This dog would have been left there, too weak to bark,” he said.
Finding a Forever Home
Thirteen eventually found a forever home with Theresa Smith in St. Petersburg, Florida. When Thron and Estro returned weeks later, they were met by a joyful, healthy Thirteen, sprinting to greet them.
Looking Ahead: A Rescue Ranch
“In many ways, these animals were rescued by Hurricane Laura,” Estro noted. Thron is now raising funds to establish a rescue ranch. At this ranch, animals can be fostered, adopted, and trained. Additionally, new drone pilots can learn to carry on his mission. We eagerly await his next rescue adventure!
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