In the aftermath of Hurricanes Helene and Milton, countless stories of bravery have emerged. These stories highlight lifesaving efforts for both humans and pets. Among these stories, a single glance from a rescued dog speaks volumes about the gratitude felt by those saved.
Hillsborough County, one of the hardest-hit regions in Florida during Hurricane Milton, experienced widespread flooding. Rescue teams from Hillsborough County Fire Rescue (HCFR) have been tirelessly searching the submerged streets. They are looking through neighborhoods to find anyone left stranded. This includes pets.
One such pet, a dog saved by HCFR Captain Dusty Mascaro, found safety in Mascaro’s arms. Mascaro carried the dog out of the floodwaters. He then took a heartwarming selfie with the pup. The photo captured an undeniable look of love and gratitude from the rescued dog.
As HCFR posted on social media, “This dog’s eyes say it all.”
This emotional rescue was just one of many. Since the storm, HCFR teams have rescued 104 pets, ensuring no life—whether human or animal—was left behind.
Each rescued pet, from sopping wet tails to eager eyes, symbolizes a life saved, something the rescuers deeply value.
“We’re incredibly grateful for the opportunity to serve and protect all members of our community, big and small,” HCFR shared.
The rescue efforts by HCFR are part of a larger, ongoing mission to save lives affected by the hurricanes. Not all stories of heroism are told. However, each act of courage, like Captain Mascaro’s rescue of this thankful pup, doesn’t go unnoticed.
Related: Man Faces Five Years in Prison After Abandoning Dog Tied to Fence During Hurricane Milton
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