My father ousted me for his new girl friend, a bitter truth of my life

My father ousted me for his new girl friend, a bitter truth of my life

Story of the Day

I moved out of my dad’s house around a year and a half ago. It was a big step for me, but my dad and I had an agreement that if I ever needed to come back home, I could.

After all, I was a university student and working full-time, so finances were tight. It was a relief to know that I had a safety net if things got too overwhelming. But then, everything changed.

Two weeks before my lease was up, my dad texted me out of the blue. His new girlfriend wasn’t okay with me living in their basement. She didn’t want to hear me coming in late at night, even though I assured her I would be quiet. I mean, the most noise I would make was the alarm going off for a few seconds when I opened the door. But she wasn’t having it.

My dad told me that I needed to figure something else out. Just like that, the safety net was gone. I was blindsided and felt like I was being pushed out into the cold, cruel world. I tried to plead my case, reminding him of our agreement, but he wouldn’t budge. He told me to grow up and handle this like an adult.

I was stunned. Wasn’t that what I was doing by working and going to school full-time? I scrambled to find a new place to live, but with only two weeks left, most landlords weren’t even renting out for September 1st.

I was panicking. How could my dad do this to me? He had effectively made me homeless, all because his girlfriend didn’t want to hear me coming in late at night.

As I frantically searched for a new place, I couldn’t help but feel betrayed by my own father. I had trusted him to be there for me, but when push came to shove, he chose his girlfriend over his own son. It was a harsh reality check, but it also made me realize that I needed to rely on myself and not others.

I was determined to find a place to call my own, even if it meant starting over from scratch. And as for my dad, well, I couldn’t help but wonder if his girlfriend was worth losing his relationship with his own son.

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