The Dog Breed That Is Friendly With People of All Ages

The Dog Breed That Is Friendly With People of All Ages

Mini Dachshund: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care

The miniature dachshund is a small hound dog breed from Germany. It can have a short, wirehaired, or longhaired coat. It also has a long, low body. These dogs are simply the smaller variety of the dachshund dog breed, with the larger variety being the standard dachshund. Mini dachshunds typically weigh 11 pounds or less, while standard dachshunds weigh 16 to 32 pounds on average. The breed is spunky and playful, and they make for an alert little watchdog.

History of the Mini Dachshund

Dachshunds, or “badger dogs” in German, can trace their ancestors back roughly 600 years ago in Germany. People specifically bred for dogs with long, low-to-the-ground bodies for their ability to dig into badger dens on hunts. The dogs also had to be bold, athletic, and clever enough to take on the badgers. They needed a loud bark. This was so their humans keep track of them as they burrowed into the underground dens. Today’s dachshunds still keep these traits. Breeders continued to refine the dachshund, producing different sizes to hunt different types of game. Various coat types and colors also took shape toward the end of the 1800s. The American Kennel Club first recognized the breed in 1885.

Mini Dachshund Care

Mini dachshunds don’t require an excessive amount of exercise, but they still need mental stimulation and physical activity each day. Their grooming is fairly straightforward, depending on their coat type, and they should receive early and consistent training and socialization.


Don’t expect a mini dachshund to be content sitting around the house all day. These dogs may be small, but they still need to exercise. Plan on at least an hour a day of activity. Moderate-length morning and evening walks plus vigorous playtime should suffice. Puzzle toys and dog sports, such as tracking, also can help to burn mental energy. Always keep your dog on a leash or in a securely fenced area when outside. The dachshund’s high prey drive can cause them to run off quickly. They might do so if they see a small animal or other perceived prey. Likewise, be aware that these dogs often enjoy digging and might burrow under fences if you’re not watching them. Furthermore, aim to prevent your dachshund from jumping on and off furniture. Also, prevent them from racing up and down stairs. This will help to prevent back injuries.


If you have a smooth-coated dachshund, plan on brushing roughly once a week to remove loose fur. The longhaired variety should be brushed a few times a week to prevent tangles and mats. The wirehaired variety should have their coat stripped several times a year plus a weekly brushing. You also might have to trim the beard and eyebrows to keep them looking neat. Plan on a bath roughly every month, depending on how dirty your dog gets. The longhaired variety might benefit from a canine detangler spray. Also, check your dog’s nails monthly to see whether they need a trim. And look in the ears at least weekly for signs of wax buildup and infection. Finally, aim to brush their teeth every day.


Dachshunds are quite smart. But they also can be independent and stubborn, which may make training a challenge. Plus, they can get distracted if they see something they perceive as prey that they want to chase. Start training and socialization from as young of an age as possible. Dachshunds respond well to positive-reinforcement methods, such as treats. Harsh corrections can cause them to shut down and refuse to learn. In addition to obedience training, aim to expose your dachshund to different people and other dogs from an early age. Dachshunds don’t always like strangers (people and dogs). But having positive experiences around them can help to boost their comfort and confidence.

Common Health Problems

Dachshunds that are well cared for typically have long, healthy lives. But they are prone to some hereditary health issues, including:

  • Disc damage and other back problems: Mini dachshunds are susceptible to back problems because of their elongated spine. These issues include intervertebral disc disease or IVDD. This disc damage is similar to a slipped disc in humans. It can lead to damage to the spine or even paralysis.
  • Ear infections: Mini dachshunds’ ears are prone to holding moisture. They have poor air flow in them. This can cause ear infections.
  • Obesity: A dachshund is considered obese if they weigh more than 15% of what the dog should weigh. Dachshunds are prone to obesity due to their small legs.

Diet and Nutrition

Always have fresh water accessible for your dachshund. Feed him or her a nutritionally balanced canine diet. This is typically done via two measured meals per day. Always discuss both the type of diet and the amount with your vet. Plus, be mindful of treats and other extra food. It’s imperative that dachshunds don’t become overweight. The excess weight can put too much strain on the breed’s long back and result in disc problems.

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